The Pantheon of Rome, not to be confused with the Parthenon of Athens, is something of an architectural wonder. The current structure was built in 125 AD, after the original structure had been destroyed 40 years earlier. The name means Temple of all the Gods, and was originally used by the Roman's to honor several gods. It is one of the best preserved Roman stuctures, largely because it has been in continuous use since its contruction, becoming a church after Rome's conversion to that faith.
just a large circular opening, known and the oculus, or great eye in the ceiling. This opening measures 30 feet across, and is the only real reference for size when one looks up into the massive dome. The dome itself is constructed of unreinforced concrete, and is the largest such dome in existence. It is a structure that even today's engineers would have difficulty reproducing, and it is nearly 2000 years old. The coffered ceiling originally had copper stars inside each square, and the roof was once covered in copper as well. Over the years the metal has been stipped from the church, and the marble has been stipped from its exterior. Today, the Pantheon is the final resting place for artists and kings, most notably the famed Raphael.
The church is unimpressive as it is approached from the back side, appearing only to be a large worn structure of exposed brickwork. Upon reaching
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