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Monday, May 09, 2011

Siena Duomo

The exterior of the Siena Duomo is a colorful collection of white, pink, and green marble, much like the Duomo in Florence, though this building is smaller. The facade is also heavily decorated with carved spires and arches, statues of man and beast, as well as being capped with a golden mosaic.

Upon entering through the wooden side doors, You eyes will be drawn briefly to the boldly stripped columns and vaulted ceiling, but if you visit during September, you eyes will mostly be inspecting the bared floor. Covered for most of the year in protection from trodding feet, the floor of the Sienna Duomo is covered with scenes done in marble inlay. It is difficult to believe that anyone once took the time to cut the various pieces of marble so finely that they fit together, puzzle like, on the floor to represent various biblical scenes. The works are fascinating in their level of detail, and contrasting colors.

Overhead, the vault looms, its height made higher by the optical illusion created by its painters, who covered the vault with rectangles which grow progressively smaller.

Also worth a visit is the attached Piccolomini Library. Notable for its frescoes and brilliant painted arching ceiling, it also displays a number of decorated choir books, and a roman statue of the Three Graces. The choir books bear words and notes shown large enough for the group to read together from a distance, and are heavily adorned not only with beautiful borders and neat calligraphy, but also with perfectly detailed palm sized ink drawings.

In fact, the entire church is wrought with so many different forms of art, all very heavily detailed and intriguing, making this one of Italy's many not to be missed attractions.

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